We are all women that have hurt women
We are the reason why women have been and still are afraid of women.
Have you ever punished a woman?
Refused to speak with her?
Refused forgiving her?
Pushed a women to do something she didn't want to?
Lied to another woman, flirted with her man, judged her, mocked her, caller her names?
Disappointed? Disappeared without a word?
Slapped her physically, mentally, emotionally?
Stole her baby, judged her baby, stole her job, judged her heart?
Oh, us, women, have hurt women!
We are the reason why we are still afraid to open our hearts, believe in our worth.
Mothers have hurt us.
Sisters have hurt us.
Daughters have hurt us.
Stepmothers, stepdaughters have hurt us.
Girlfriends have hurt us.
Bosses have hurt us.
Mothers in law have hurt us.
Godmothers and grandmothers have hurt us.
It is us that can eithet STOP the cycle or choose to nurture the hurt. The pain.
The disconnection.
To repeat it. Over and over.
Forgive yourself tonight.
Forgive all the women that have hurt you.
You cannot turn back time.
But you'll know better next time.
Grow yourself into a beautiful woman. One that you are proud of.
Turn this version into a better one.
Make yourself the woman of your dreams.
And so, together we make the world a beautiful dream come true.
Love & women,